HIP HOP 101: Best Sampled Hip Hop Tracks of All time


One cannot discuss Hip Hop, without discussing sampling. Sampling is a critical element in Hip Hop, largely due to the magnitude of iconic tunes which will forever be embedded in our lives.

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Hip Hop Dj’s in the 80’s were well known for what we know as scratching (listen to and example of scratching below) and looping their records.

With the audience having an appreciation for this sound, it wasn’t long until Hip Hop artists started emulating this sound in their recordings. RUN-DMC, one of the earliest Hip-Hop acts embraced the sound which the Djs had come up with. Their hit, 1988 hit ‘Run’s House’, consists of vinyl scratches as well as looped beats from James Browns ‘Funky Drummer’.

With audio technology developing significantly in the 90’s, hip hop groups like             Wu-Tang-Clang continued to experiment with sampling, crafting one of the most memorable songs of all time.

1995 was the year one of the most memorable Hip-Hop songs came out. This Song Is B.I.G’s ‘Big Poppa’, which contained a sample of the Isley Brothers.

Kanye West and his producers continue to elongate the art of sampling with one of their latest offerings being ‘Wolves’


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